Finish line of our new design
Finally the day has come to finish the new interior design of Body Inn & Manolaya. Also the Manolaya Logo came on the windows .Of course, something goes always wrong.. but we managed all of it :D
A huge thank to our friend Andrea Franke - Innenarchitektur Federleicht-, the whole interior desing was came out of her mind. The wallpaper were designed in Berlin according to the idea of her. She is amazing. She just looked at the studio and she could see, how to melt Manolaya and Body Inn to make us (Tanja+me) both feel at home. Leopold Loitfelder -Designstudio Leopold Loitfelder- was responsible for the outer design. He also could find a way to make it suitable for both. Furthermore, I find the outter desing looks really nice now :D What do you think?We are really thankful the friends of Tanja to bring our ideas into reality. Max and his friend (soooory, I dont remeber your name) just made a great job. They spent a whole day in a really sad and rainy weather and finished with the whole work. I feel so blessed beeing surrounded by such a lovely and talented friends. Without you, we could not make it happen. NAMASTE!!